Digital Resources to Promote Online Learning for Firefighters
For Health & Safety Officers: Resource Toolkit
To assist you in marketing the DetecTogether early cancer detection program to your members we’ve created materials to share throughout the year to remind people to take the courses available to them.
Lead by example and take the courses, and even share your thoughts about their value and the ease of taking them. Encourage participation. Make it personal by sharing cancer stories of firefighters you and your members might know.
Below are examples of timely messages you can share throughout the year with your team to encourage them to use the online courses.
Cut and paste these suggested email messages into emails to send to your department members. If you are using the DetecTogether platform, the links to the classes go to the login page
If you have chosen to upload the courses to your department’s learning system, insert the link to the course where it is housed on your system.
We have the greatest job on Earth. Unfortunately, it comes with many risks, not the least of which is cancer. But cancer doesn’t have to be a death sentence. In fact, it can be very treatable if you catch it early. Learn what you need to look out for to detect cancer early when you take 3 Steps Detect (25 min.) Learn from a fellow firefighter who survived cancer as you follow their journey.
New Year-Healthy You
Subtle health changes can be tough to recognize at first and can be easy to ignore and minimize, but when they persist, they are your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. To be able to recognize these health changes, you need to become aware of how you feel when you’re at your best–that’s your personal “great.” Start the new year off right by taking the “Identifying and Tracking Symptoms” (7 min.) course to learn how to tune into your body. {LINK TO COURSES}
Cancer Prevention Month
Subtle health changes can be tough to recognize at first and can be easy to ignore and minimize, but when they persist, they are your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. To be able to recognize these health changes, you need to become aware of how you feel when you’re at your best–that’s your personal “great.” Start the new year off right by taking the “Identifying and Tracking Symptoms” (7 min.) course to learn how to tune into your body. {LINK TO COURSES}
February 4-World Cancer Day
Check out this 5-min. course and learn what cancer is in order to recognize the kinds of important health changes that could be symptoms and should be shared with your doctor. “What is Cancer?” can be accessed here as well as “Questions to Ask Your Doctor” (5 min.) Two micro-courses in 10 min. {LINK TO COURSES}
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
For those at normal risk, be sure to schedule your colonoscopy if you are 45 or older. For those at higher risk, check with your doctor. In addition, take the micro-course “Prevention, Early Detection and Screening” (10 min.) to have a complete strategy for recognizing possible warning signs of cancer. When diagnosed at Stage 1, the survival rate for colon cancer is 91%. When diagnosed at Stage 4, it is 14%.) {LINK TO COURSES}
Testicular Cancer Awareness Month
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men ages 15-40. Some studies show that firefighters have TWICE the risk. But the good news is that when caught early, the survival rate for testicular cancer is 99%. Take 6 minutes to review the “How to Do Self Exams” course. It could save your life. {LINK TO COURSES}
April 7 – World Health Day
Do you have a doctor? A critical part of being healthy is having a primary care provider you can see for annual physicals and when you’re experiencing health changes. Take 5 minutes to do the “Seeking Care” course to learn what type of provider is right for you and “How to Advocate for Yourself” (5 min.) to prepare for those important conversations including getting a second opinion. {LINK TO COURSES}
Melanoma Awareness Month
Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S., but when caught early it is very treatable. When you consistently perform self-exams, you’ll know what is normal for you and you’ll be the first to recognize changes. The 6-min. “How to Do Self Exams” course could save your life. When caught in Stage 1, the survival rate for melanoma is 99%. When diagnosed at Stage 4, it drops to 27%. {LINK TO COURSES}
National Cancer Survivor Month
We hear about cancer all the time, but have you ever stopped to wonder what exactly it is? In the 5-min. “What Is Cancer?” course, learn what cancer is and how it develops. {LINK TO COURSES} It makes ite easier to understand why even subtle health changes matter.
Why Are Some People at Greater Risk for Cancer?
While a lot of things about cancer remain unknown, we do know that there are factors which put some people at higher risk. DetecTogether’s courses provide usable information to help you assess whether you or your loved ones may have an elevated risk for cancer. It’s an 11-min. course. {LINK TO COURSES}
Questions to Ask Your Doctor
On average, doctors have 15 minutes to spend with each patient. That’s not much time. Preparation is key. This 5-min. “Questions to Ask Your Doctor” course will help you prepare for and make the most of your doctor visits. {LINK TO COURSES}
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
When diagnosed early, the survival rate for prostate cancer is 99.9%. That drops to 30% for a Stage 4 diagnosis. All men 45 or older should talk with their doctor about when to get screened for prostate cancer. Those with a first degree relative who has been diagnosed should consider screening at age 40. Do you know your family medical history? How to Compile Medical History” (7 min.) will help you gather all the information you need. {LINK TO COURSES}
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Many doctors suggest women begin mammograms at age 40 and continue annually. Women should talk to their doctor about when to begin mammogram screening and whether to repeat it every year or every other year. Mammograms can detect cancer before you may have symptoms. It’s also important to do monthly self-exams, and recognize possible warning signs of cancer. Learn “How To Do Self-Exams” (6 min.) Men, too, should know how to do a breast self-exam, as men can develop breast cancer. It’s a great time to check in with the DetecTogether Program offered here {LINK TO COURSES}.
Men’s Health Month
A growing number of men will face a prostate cancer diagnosis; and testicular cancer is the most common cancer among young men aged 15-40. In some cases, you can be 10x more likely to survive cancer when it’s detected early vs. late. This is a great time to access the online resources from DetecTogether and empower yourself and your loved ones with a strategy to beat cancer. (LINK TO COURSES}
When you spend time during the holidays with your families, use the opportunity to learn more about your family health history. Take the How to Compile Medical History” course (7 min.) to learn why knowing your family history is important to detecting cancer early. (LINK TO COURSES}
- Family History Worksheet
- BRCA Info Sheet
- Dear Physician Card (front | back)
- Resources at DetecTogether
Please let us know if you have any questions or encounter any issues with the resources. For more information, contact us at
For Our Firefighter Partners: Refer Us
Cancer is the leading cause of death in the fire service. We’re helping firefighters across the country beat cancer with the 3 Steps Detect Online Learning program.
You can help by sharing the news about this FREE, easy, and life-saving training. We have put together some how-tos, text, and images to make it easy for you to share.
- Use the tools below on your social media pages
- Like us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Share our posts about Online Learning for Firefighters.
Sample social media posts
Copy and paste the text below, including the link to Online Learning for Firefighters, in a new post. Because a link is included, there will be a preview image and no need for an additional photo or graphic.
Cancer is the #1 cause of death in the fire service, but many firefighters don’t know what to watch for or how to address changes in their health. 3 Steps Detect can help firefighters survive cancer by teaching them to notice cancer symptoms in their early stages. Like a fire, cancer is most treatable before it has had time to spread.
Learn HOW to seize the power of early detection with DetecTogether’s 3 Steps Detect Online Learning for Firefighters. It’s free, easy and lifesaving:
Copy and paste the text below, including the link to Online Learning for Firefighters, in a new post. Because a link is included, there will be a preview image and no need for an additional photo or graphic.
Learn HOW to seize the power of early cancer detection with DetecTogether’s 3 Steps Detect Online Learning for Firefighters. It’s free, easy and lifesaving:
Click the thumbnail below, and then right click to save the image onto your desktop. Open Instagram, start a new post with the saved image. Copy and paste the text below for the post.
Cancer is the #1 cause of death in the fire service, but many firefighters don’t know what to watch for or how to address changes in their health. 3 Steps Detect can help firefighters survive cancer by teaching them to notice cancer symptoms in their early stages. Like a fire, cancer is most treatable before it has spread.
Visit @detectogether to learn HOW to seize the power of early detection with DetecTogether’s 3 Steps Detect Online Learning for Firefighters. It’s free, easy and lifesaving.
- Let your email audience know about Online Learning for Firefighters
- Include the copy and link below in your regular newsletter or as a standalone email.
Sample newsletter/email content
Copy and paste the text below in your newsletter or email blasts. We’ve also included an image that can be used.
Cancer is the leading cause of death in the fire service. Members of the fire service have a 9% higher risk of developing cancer and a 14% higher risk of dying from cancer than the general public. Early detection can drastically improve your chances of survival yet most don’t recognize the early warning signs.
DetecTogether has developed one of the best, in-depth resources available to firefighters to teach firefighters how to seize the power of early detection. The courses are brief and can be accessed on any device.
Online Learning for Firefighters. It’s free, easy, and lifesaving.
Get started:
Image for use in emails
Click the image below, and then right click to save the image onto your desktop.
Please let us know if you have any questions or encounter any issues with the resources. We appreciate your partnership and are grateful for your willingness to share this important information. Email or call our First Responder Education Manager at or 508-826-9442.