After hearing about DetecTogether’s early cancer detection program from Chief Kaialoa, I decided to sign up for their online tutorials. I wanted to learn more about their 3 Steps Detect method and the overall roadmap to early detection. The DetecTogether online learning experience was incredibly informative and straightforward. The presentations and handout materials were easy to understand and effective, so I shared them with our staff and new recruits.
My story began with a small, mildly swollen area on the right side of my neck. At first, it seemed to improve, but around the two-week mark, I noticed a growing, firm lump in the gym mirror early one morning. I immediately made an appointment with my primary care physician, who saw me that Thursday and referred me to an ENT (Ears, Nose & Throat) doctor. Initially, I was put on antibiotics for a possible infection, but the mass continued to grow and Captain Delucchi noticed it and suggested I get the lump checked out. Despite multiple appointments and three fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsies, I struggled to get a clear diagnosis. The situation reached a critical point when the mass became painful, prompting an emergency visit to the hospital. There, I was admitted to the Oncology ward for nearly a week, finally getting the attention and diagnosis I needed. The most challenging part was navigating the uncertainty and delays between initial appointments and finding out what was really happening.
In conversations with Captain Delucchi, a coworker and friend, we both acknowledged that the DetecTogether training played a crucial role in our decisions to act quickly.
Fortunately, the DetecTogether program had taught me the importance of early detection. This knowledge prompted me to seek medical attention as soon as I noticed the changes. I also appreciated the support from the San Francisco Firefighters Cancer Prevention Foundation. In conversations with Captain Delucchi, a coworker and friend, we both acknowledged that the DetecTogether training played a crucial role in our decisions to act quickly. Thanks to the awareness and education we received, we were both able to catch our conditions at an early stage.