Step 2: Use the 2-Week Rule
Why 2 Weeks?
Our medical advisors tell us that most minor issues clear up on their own in 2 weeks time. If they don’t, then it’s important to call your doctor.
Cancer often first reveals itself as a subtle and persistent health change that might not interfere with your daily routine. So if you’re thinking, “it’s no big deal,” or “it can’t be anything serious,” “I think I’ll tough it out,” you may be missing the early warning signs of cancer—and the chance to dramatically increase your chance of survival.
Know when to call your doctor by using the 2-week rule: If you notice a subtle change in your normal health and it lasts 2 weeks or more, it’s time to explore what is causing the change. Your doctor wants to hear from you before a small problem becomes a bigger, more complex one.

Imagine you have a cold. You are likely experiencing subtle health changes including aches, fever, and fatigue. But generally with a cold virus, you should start to feel better after a few days or even a week. If you don’t start to feel better after 2 weeks, it’s time to see a doctor. Lou thought he had a cold for two months and that was too long to wait. It’s why his doctors call him a “miracle boy,” and he wants you to learn from his experience.
Lou Longo diagnosed with leukemia at 34

Imagine you have pain and swelling in your knee, and you aren’t sure what’s causing it. If the pain is not improving after 2 weeks, find out why. When Laurel was an active sophomore in college, she thought she had runner’s knee, or pain from dance. She was prescribed physical therapy. It didn’t help. Her knee continued to weaken over several months and hurt more. She trusted the voice inside her that was telling her something was off.
Laurel Ahearn diagnosed with bone cancer at 19