Response Time Matters 2: Jason Patton and DetecTogether Encourage ACTION
Your favorite firefighter, Jason Patton, has returned with the help of his friends from the FDNY for the latest Response Time Matters early cancer detection campaign. The campaign’s primary goal is to empower firefighters through the 3 Steps Detect training to ACT and be vital participants in their healthcare.
Occupational cancer is the #1 cause of line-of-duty deaths in the fire service.
Firefighters are 9% more likely to be diagnosed and 14% more likely to die from cancer than the general population. By raising awareness of what warning signs of cancer can feel or look like and motivating firefighters to use DetecTogether’s simple roadmap to early detection, 3 Steps Detect, we can change outcomes.
“Our jobs are incredibly serious,” says Patton. “Lives are on the line. So between jobs, while we’re at the firehouse, we like to lighten things up, and that’s exactly what DetecTogether’s videos do, using comedy to get firefighters taking action against cancer.”
3 Steps Detect is a simple and effective strategy to detect cancer early. Cancer often reveals itself as a subtle and persistent change to your everyday health, and people tend to ignore or dismiss these changes.
Waiting won’t make cancer go away and may give it time to spread. We provide a timeframe for action and tips for being a proactive patient.
Waiting gives cancer time to progress to advanced stages when it’s harder to treat and survive.
The National Institutes of Health (2022) finds that 50% of cancer is diagnosed in late-stage, and only 14% of cancer is identified through recommended screenings, which are vital, but by empowering firefighters to recognize the early symptoms of cancer, early diagnosis can save and improve the quality of many more lives.
Treat your health like a fire, RESPONSE TIME MATTERS. Sign up for FREE 3 Steps Detect training: First Responder Training – DetecTogether.
Response Time Matters program support is provided by 1A Auto, The Last Call Foundation, Powertech Controls, FDNY, and EMW-2021-FP-00573, and in collaboration with the Firefighter Cancer Support Network and the Science to the Station Health & Wellness Alliance.