DetecTogether is very pleased to announce that we have resumed our life-saving education for first responders and are back in fire stations throughout New England and beyond. It is critical that firefighters continue to receive this training. Since 2002, two out of every three firefighters who have died in the line of duty died of cancer. Cancer is the #1 line-of-duty cause of death for firefighters. Firefighters have a 9% higher risk of developing cancer and a 14% greater risk of dying from cancer.
Occupational cancer has a devastating impact on firefighters and their families. That is why we have made it a priority to help firefighters beat cancer. DetecTogether created a firefighter initiative in 2018 aimed at helping firefighters across the country beat cancer through the power of early diagnosis. In that time, 3 Steps Detect has been delivered to thousands of firefighters, teaching them how to be proactive about their health. We want to ensure that the people who dedicate their lives to helping others know how to save their own lives through the power of early detection. Our education is FREE to all in the fire service, 100% funded through the generosity of donors.
We know that social distancing guidelines make group training tricky, so we will work with fire stations to schedule small group sessions, even if it takes multiple presentations to reach an entire department over several days. DetecTogether is following all safety guidelines for in-person training. Our staff members are equipped with facemasks and will remain at a social distance during the presentation. If possible, we ask that presentations take place in a large space or a well ventilated area to align with social distancing guidelines. For those departments interested in receiving training by live webinar or Zoom conferencing, we are happy to schedule this kind of training as well.
If you are interested in bringing our lifesaving education to your firehouse, please complete this form or contact Kate McCarthy at kate.mccarthy@detectogether.org.