Tools for Maximizing Engagement

You’ve invested in DetecTogether’s early detection education, and we’re here to help you get the most out of our programs. Check out the ideas below to engage your employees and spread the word about the power of early detection.


  • Utilize a few of the tools below, if possible. The more unique reminders employees receive, the more likely they are to participate in the program.
  • Call out incentives. If you are offering any “participation perks” (raffles, certificates, or insurance-based incentives), be sure to include that information in your communications.
  • Keep the tone upbeat. We know cancer is a tough subject, but DetecTogether’s programs are designed to empower employees with early detection education.
  • Make it personal. Include your own “endorsement” of the program(s), incorporate an employee cancer survivor (if they are willing), or any other connection/perspective unique to your organization.


See below for copy/paste email examples. You can also use this text in newsletters, blogs, or other promotion methods.

Subject: Reminder – Employee Access to DetecTogether Online Learning

When we learned about DetecTogether, a national nonprofit that goes beyond cancer prevention to teach people how to detect cancer early and get better overall healthcare, we knew we wanted to bring it to you. As part of the 3 Steps Detect early cancer detection program, you and your family will have access to a library of micro-courses (average 6 min. per module) that you can take from your phone, computer or tablet. Make time to learn how to get better healthcare and become an informed, empowered patient. 

Healthcare is a team sport and you are the quarterback of your care!

Begin with the main course, 3 Steps Detect, by registering here: [Insert your company’s unique registration link, which can be found on your Administrator Dashboard – click on “Invite Users” in the top right dropdown menu and copy and paste the link].

Subject: Working to prevent cancer – employee access to DetecTogether’s Online Learning

Working to prevent cancer is important – eat well, exercise, get regular sleep, limit alcohol, and wear sunscreen – but no matter what you do, no one is immune to cancer. That’s why it’s important to know how to detect cancer early. You can be 10X more likely to survive when cancer is diagnosed early vs. late.
3 Steps Detect is the only available program that provides a simple, easy-to-remember roadmap to early detection. 

Check out these helpful micro-courses on your computer, tablet or phone. Go at your own pace. Look at them with a loved one. With helpful topics like “How to Compile Medical History” (7 min.) and “Identifying and Tracking Symptoms” (7 min.) this is a program you don’t want to miss.

Get started today by registering here: [Insert your company’s unique registration link, which can be found on your Administrator Dashboard – click on “Invite Users” in the top right dropdown menu and copy and paste the link]. 

Subject: Webinar for employees on [date]

40% of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer, but when detected early, most cancers are treatable. You can be 10x more likely to survive when diagnosed at Stage 1 vs. Stage 4.

Patient awareness and action is key. Learn what you need to know to detect cancer early.
Would you recognize a cancer symptom? Join the presentation by DetecTogether and learn how.
[Insert the date, time, and registration information for the webinar (if applicable)]

New Year – Healthy You
The start of a new year is a great time to learn to recognize health changes that could be symptoms of cancer. 40% of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer, but when detected early, most cancers are treatable. Patient awareness and action is key. We have partnered with DetecTogether to teach you how to detect cancer early with 3 Steps Detect.

Start the new year off right by empowering yourself with this life-saving information. Take the micro-course “Identifying and Tracking Symptoms” (7 min.). It’s a great place to begin. [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses.]

Cancer Prevention Month
Cancer Prevention Month is a great time to tap into the micro-courses offered to us by DetecTogether. Take the course “Why Some People Are at Greater Risk” to assess your cancer risk (11 min.) Access it here. [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses.]

February 4 – World Cancer Day
On World Cancer Day, empower yourself with basic information about cancer. Knowledge is power. This  micro-course (5 min.) from DetecTogether called “What is Cancer?” can be found in the 3 Steps Detect Online Program as well as other titles, like “Questions to Ask Your Doctor” (5 min.) [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses] Patient awareness and action is key. Learn what to watch for and how to have the right conversation with your doctor.

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Would you recognize a Colon cancer symptom?

We want you to be able to recognize the early warning signs of cancer and that’s why we are bringing you DetecTogether’s early detection education. Take the micro-course “Prevention, Early Detection and Screening” (10 min.). for important information that will help you recognize warning signs of cancer. 

We can’t say it enough! Early detection makes all the difference; when diagnosed at Stage 1, the survival rate for Colon cancer is 91%. When diagnosed at Stage 4, it is 14%. [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses.]

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month
Did you know that Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men ages 15-40? The number of men diagnosed with Testicular cancer has more than doubled in the last 40 years. When caught early, the survival rate for Testicular cancer is 99%. Men, take 6 min. to review the “How to Do Self-Exams” course as part of the 3 Steps Detect Program from DetecTogether and learn what you need to watch for. Women, learn how to do a breast self-exam. [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses.]

April 7 – World Health Day
Do you have a primary care doctor? A critical part of staying healthy is having a provider you trust for annual physicals and when you’re experiencing health changes. Take 5 min. and do the “Seeking Care” course from DetecTogether to help you think through what type of provider is right for you. Having a good relationship with a doctor who knows you pays dividends. Then take “How to Advocate for Yourself” (5 min.) to get prepared for important conversations. [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses.]

Melanoma Awareness Month
As the warm weather approaches, commit to taking care of your skin! Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the U.S. and while some types are fairly benign, Melanoma is the most serious. When you consistently perform self-exams, and get annual skin checks, you’re in the best position if something does develop. DetecTogether has provided a great micro-course on “How to Do Self-Exams” (6 min.) 

When caught in Stage 1, the survival rate for Melanoma is 99%. When diagnosed at Stage 4, the survival rate is 27%. Learn what you need to know. Use the information and share it with your loved ones. [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses.]

National Cancer Survivor Month
During the month of June, we celebrate all the people we know and love who have fought cancer and encourage those who are still battling cancer, as well as their families. DetecTogether provides a strategy to detect cancer early that is lifesaving. Learn the basics and know why your role as an active patient is so critical to surviving cancer for the 40% of us who will be diagnosed. 

In the 5-min. “What Is Cancer?” course from DetecTogether, learn how cancer develops to better understand why paying attention to subtle health changes and acting promptly is lifesaving. [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses.]

Why Are Some People at Greater Risk for Cancer?
While a lot of things about cancer remain unknown, there are factors which put some people at higher risk. DetecTogether’s library provides usable information to help you assess whether you or your loved ones may have an elevated risk for cancer. The micro-course “What are Some People at Greater Risk for Cancer” takes 11 min. [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses.]

Prevention methods improve your chances of staying healthy and early detection improves your chances of survival. DetecTogether teaches you HOW to seize the power of early detection with 3 Steps Detect. [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses.]

Questions to Ask Your Doctor
On average, doctors have just 15 min. to spend with each patient. Your preparation is key. That’s why DetecTogether created this 5-min. course to help you prepare for your appointments. “Questions to Ask Your Doctor” will help you make the most of your doctor visits. [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses.]

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
All men 45 and older should talk with their doctor about when to get screened for Prostate cancer. If you have a first-degree relative who’s been diagnosed or have other risk factors, you should consider screening at 40. Because it’s so important to know your family medical history, DetecTogether created a primer. “How to Compile Medical History” (7 min.) will help you pull together the important information.

Diagnosed at Stage 1, the survival rate for Prostate cancer is 99.9%. At Stage 4, it’s 30%.  Access this life-saving learning. [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses.]

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
DetecTogether suggests that women talk to their doctor about when to begin mammograms and whether to repeat every year or every other year. Mammograms can detect cancer even before you may have symptoms. Many doctors suggest women begin mammograms at age 40 and continue annually. 

It’s also important to perform monthly self-exams. Men should also know how to do breast self-exams as they can develop breast cancer. Take this course and learn how: “How to Do Self-Exams” (6 minutes). [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses.]

Men’s Health Month
A growing number of men will receive a Prostate cancer diagnosis in their lifetime and Testicular cancer is on the rise among young men aged 15-40. We want you to have every advantage when it comes to cancer, and that’s why we partnered with DetecTogether to bring you this life-saving education.

Prevention methods improve your chances of staying healthy, and screening and early detection improve your chances of survival. DetecTogether teaches you HOW to seize the power of early detection. November is a great time to review the micro-courses from DetecTogether to empower yourself and your loved ones with a strategy to beat all kinds of cancer. [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses.]

Gathering for the Holidays
During the holidays, as you spend time with your family, set aside some time to ask questions about your family health history. Take the “How to Compile Medical History” course (7 min.) from DetecTogether to learn why knowing your family health history is important to detecting cancer early. [Note to HR Professionals, this is where you insert your unique link to the courses.]

Use these videos on internal TV screens or share the links via email.

  • Introduction to DetecTogether; view or download video HERE
  • Luck is Not a Strategy video; view or download video HERE
  • Would You Recognize a Cancer Symptom; view or download video HERE

Up Next: Engagement Tips 

Have Questions or Need Help?

Please let us know if you have any questions or encounter any issues with the resources. We appreciate your partnership in bringing this life-saving program to your team. For more information, contact us at or 508-713-0652.